The Shoutbox
Originally Posted by Yoda
And you're supposed to hate your shouts. If they're good enough that you like them, they should be posts.
But that would be conventional.
I refuse to not have fun here. I can't go to to talk about movies, I hate FB and this is literally the only place I saw in my search that seemed 1/2 way decent. Upon more time spent here, I see that it has a great interface and some cool people, as well. How is that possible on the internet? How is it that this place doesn't fall into the same traps as most everywhere else on the WWW that I have seen so far since 1999?
Sexy is a chronic shout deleter. And that's a real thing.
Poopy nasty no no,
And you're supposed to hate your shouts. If they're good enough that you like them, they should be posts.
You really brought it home there at the end.
I hate my shouts. I sound like a buffoon acting like he is smart. Poopie
Nice bunch round here. Very introspective and progressive. Rare.
SC is definitely not a troll.

Dwarf?... perhaps.
Well what the shoobally doo!