The Shoutbox
What time is the chat?
The big English supermarkets didn't come over here until 10-15 years ago (when they were sure they wouldn't get bombed) so the stores are all reasonably new.

The ASDA on the Falls Road in Belfast is careful not to stock stuff with Union flags on the packaging, however.

That ASDA by mine is seriously crap.
They got the usual George clothing section... and all they sell is stuff that's from last season.
What I mean by "season" though is, Summer clothes in Winter... and puffer jackets and gloves in the Summer.
ASDA: Totally bringin' it with the rare cactus-alikes!

Twas ever thus.

I was in ASDA Enniskillen yesterday. I managed to find some milk and an Air Wick electric wax melter...
I bought a cactus plant yesterday at ASDA... was one of those things you normally see by the main doors, sitting on moveable shelves next to the little pot plants and bags of compost.

There were tons of cactuses there, but this one was one of a kind amongst all the others.

Only £3... and had 3 plants in one pot.

Doing some research just now... it's not a cactus
It's a Cape Speckled Aloe... Aloe Maculata... and seemingly rare to find in Britain.
Anyone want to join me for a game of cards against humanity?
Hilarious. 'The feral government'. lool.

Think Hacksaw Ridge might be my next movie pre Oscar funtime on here.
Drop bears ha ha. You lot still trying that??
Originally Posted by John McClane
Hacksaw Ridge - Wow.
Hacksaw Ridge - Wow.