The Shoutbox
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It's a horrible sticky and humid day today. I like cold weather. I can handle mild, but not this.
Going to watch Captain America:Civil War tomorrow evening. Thinking about a Captain America movie marathon tomorrow afternoon. Don't know yet though.
Originally Posted by Toni
HELP. BORED WITH OLD AGE, WHAT 2015-2016 MOVIES DO YOU ADVISE,& WHY? pm me,or shout here, thanks--Toni
Deadpool, because it's hilarious.
HELP. BORED WITH OLD AGE, WHAT 2015-2016 MOVIES DO YOU ADVISE,& WHY? pm me,or shout here, thanks--Toni
My review for captain america 3 is up on my movie review page.
OMG your avatar is madly delightful Rodent!!
Originally Posted by John McClane
I have my own desk, my own extension, my own mobile, and my own e-mail address.
Welcome to the 21st century
I have my own desk, my own extension, my own mobile, and my own e-mail address.
Mon-Fri & 8:30-4:30.
Have I mentioned my job is freakin awesome?