The Shoutbox
Originally Posted by John W Constantine
you must login to join chat. i click on it and it just takes me back out. i tried refreshing it.
Can you try logging in before joining the chat, and then trying to join it? Assuming you already are, then: are you using a VPN, or when you log in here do you not check that little "remember me/save" box?
you must login to join chat. i click on it and it just takes me back out. i tried refreshing it.
Okay, you guys can refresh the page now, chat should be open.
Originally Posted by John W Constantine
Originally Posted by Allaby
I don't think the chatroom is open yet.
I meant last year I couldn't get it to work...
well, silly, why are you trying to get into last year's chat with this year is already here? garsh!
The administrator has more pressing matters right now. Like watching the Carolina game.
Originally Posted by matt72582
"The chat room is currently closed."
thank goodness i wasnt the only one
"The chat room is currently closed."
Originally Posted by doubledenim
Don’t get all shy on us now! Where were you? 😊
I drove to my cousin's to use the internet/TV
Originally Posted by urkillinmesmalls
Originally Posted by matt72582
I haven't missed a chat yet. 7 years in a row. I even remember where I was at for the first one, too.
I think my first chat was when Birdman won, which was....7 years ago, right there with you brother!
Yes, that was the year! I remember ordering a great pizza, having a smoke, enjoying the chat.... Did you ever join our "Back To The Future" live chat? I wish we had more of those, chat or thread. We used to.
My first chat was last year. It changed my life forever.
Picks are in, and I will see everyone in the chat!