The Shoutbox
Just had to ask Uncle Google, must be a Stateside thing as never heard of it over here - sowwy
I thought for sure you would get that joke, Chyp!
Honestly don't know, never seen it myself - I only read the synopsis on IMBD (Internet Made-up Bulls**t Database).
Does he have Prince Albert in a can?
Originally Posted by Sedai
I didn't even realize there was a Snowpiercer series...
I believe it's a Game Of Thrones spin-off where John finally gets the Prince Albert he's long desired and then adds more and more pieces of 'body art' until
WARNING: "Snowpiercer series" spoilers below
he finally turns into Iron Man.
I didn't even realize there was a Snowpiercer series...
It has been renewed for a S4, so it is firmly taking first place on my list of “television I care about” now that Expanse has ended.