The Shoutbox
I watched an Aussie flick the other night, too...The Loved Ones.

That...was harsh...
I was going to say "you're up early," but then I realized that you can probably sense whenever someone says "hashtag" in here and it woke you up.
It's a pound sign.
Originally Posted by WynterIII
First time using the shout box
double you double you double you dot cool dot coe dot you kay
Just watched The Rover. Those Australians sure know how to do cinema!
Welcome to the 'box!
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First time using the shout box
My first one was done when I was drunk. I don't really remember getting it. I remember bits and pieces but not much. I had it fixed up to where I like it a lot now, but not much before.
Originally Posted by teeter_g
Tattoo is healing up nicely, go back in two weeks for more work.
Good call! Don't have too much done at once. I was drunk when I had one of mine done - bad idea. I was out of it, blood sugar dropped.