The Shoutbox
One house member pays for Amazon, another for Disney, and we supplement with digital rentals.
But that’s just because my family are TV addicts. I don’t use any of it anymore. I’m strictly VOD.
We still have cable and TiVo, but I’ve set it up so that the cable companies can’t compete with our setup. I always let the customer service reps do their sales pitch but it always ends with “but I can already do that now” and the bill is like a 1/3 of what they were trying to sell me.
I've got Netflix, amazon and Disney. It's still not even half the price that cable was.
Yeah. Renting is great. And cheaper than the old video store days.
And they are mostly $0.99. Highest I’ll go is $6.99 but at that point I start weighing the merits of buying it.
My typical consumption method these days for movies is digital rentals.
Well, I don’t consider Amazon Prime free by any means the cost to benefit ratio necessities a subscription, especially in places with hard hit retail. I dunno. I’m just very much a local support your own type. When I was for real broke the only movies I saw were from public libraries.

Now a days you’re not paying for a copy. You’re just paying for a license. It’s all bogus get rich schemes. Even the digital movies I buy are subject to evaporating into thin air.
Gimme an alternative. I'm not going back to cable and my TV is too nice to watch streaming sites on.
I just don’t get how people can freely hand their money over to a corporation that has no soul. Same thing applies to Hulu, Netflix, and other dubious services. No thanks, I like being able to feed myself.
I think Spotify has gotten, at most, 1-2 months of a paid subscription out of me, and I don’t ever intend on paying for something that’s free. And the ads are so easily defeated it is laughable. Volume all the way down, and then all the way up.