The Shoutbox
Knightmare, you and SB go to the same schizool or something?
It's just the flu. I will get better shortly.

How ironic though.
Without me, there is no play.

No...people like all that realism. Know what Matt? I can't believe Tyler has been hanging around stinkin up the place, I mean that too. P.U.!!
i will talk crouchie into letting me do Harry (he is a drunk guy) that way you can rest, we cant have you dying before the play is over.
And then I will be shot too!!

Naw. You should go to drama and then do a scene where the charactor you're playing is drunk or something...then you could vomit on the class. They'll think you can barf on'd be a star! A star I tell ya!

i admire that Matt just PLZ take it easy, i kinda knew we wouldnt be able to keep you away from here. Just take it easy (i think ive made my point)
Headache, body ache, feel like vomiting, really dizzy.

And I'm still going to drama.
Talk about committment.

Matt plz tell me you are at home
sick? Aw Mattikins...what's the matter?