The Shoutbox
My tattoos are like,
"Awww buddy, don't worry. Your next one will be cool."

The Dirty Tupperwares makes for an excellent band name.
The dirty Tupperware / paper towel hack has me questioning if I will ever use another paper towel in my life.
I met someone with a little wiry-hair dog. A messy little scraggalor, some would say.

While ruminating on Mitchie’s appearance, it occurred to me that he strongly favored Nick Nolte’s mugshot.

In an instant, Mitch Nolte was born.
Originally Posted by Austruck
Originally Posted by doubledenim
Everybody hear about the experiment AMC is gonna try?
C'mon, man. Cough it up.
Originally Posted by John McClane

I have not. I have seen Inception is coming back, tho. I will so put myself at risk to see that on a big screen again.
AMC will reopen on August 20th with 15 cent tickets.

Looks like they are trying to field a slew of lawsuits before they go bankrupt.
Shart of Fartness is a work I’m familiar with.

The story of a young man who tried to thread the needle of chance and was left with a consequence he wasn’t prepared to handle.
Bart Of Darkness
Originally Posted by The Rodent
I don’t remember that episode and now I want to watch it.
Ooooh, the atmosphere in here is getting in tents
It could be worse. Your house could be made out of sheet metal.