The Shoutbox
I know what you mean chris...but's only 9...ARGH
I can't believe it's only 10PM. It feels like 1AM.
My forum is strictly hush hush right now...only a few know about it simply cause I'm still toying with it...
Wait...that's the clown it with two red circles...not too bad of a smilie
Sounds like fun.
It's white with two red circles...
I was in a motel with two people and another. One was sleeping. So were the other two. Loudly.... I was....hmm, listening. What IS your forum Spud?
I feel sick.
Yeah, most smilies are ugly looking.
I have one on my forum...It's kinda ugly looking though
No motel sonny was a house...I was living there, and in the room right next to mine was the "greatest show on earth"