The Shoutbox
What the hell's wrong with you? You don't need to see ALL the movies that come out. You're only hurting yourself, though.
And I'm from a suburban area - Columbia, Maryland. Same as Edward Norton (didn't know the guy). It's about midway between D.C. and Baltimore. Stereotypical American Suburbs.
alright guys i am going to All About the Benjamins, pray for me
I guess it'd work if you could really nail Harland Williams in Rocket Man; he had it down pat.
'Course it helps when everybody is at that giddy stage of drunkenness.

Aaaah, High School.
Where you actually from, Holden?
Metro or Regional area?

My friends are all cultured, actually (me the most, ahem), but the majority of people that you walk past on the street are the kind of redneck children that normal people drown at birth.

This was only hightened to me after a weekend in a metro/artsy area where people thought and talked about films and books.

Why do you think I'm online and here so much? People out there on the streets are idiots! That's why!
Surprisingly, I guess we have different kinds of friends.

I can also actually do an impresion of a cricket: consists of whistling while 'rolling your Rs' at the same time - try it, not hard. So since that is common knowledge amongst most of my friends, it sets up the Jimminy Cricket gag even better.
I would be singing "Give a little Wistle" anyway. It's much more easy to connect that song to Jiminey than it is "When you wish upon a star", which people tend to just connect to Disney in general.
Unfortuantly, you need to be in a room of people who are cultured enough to have seen Disney's Pinoccio.

You'd struggling to find a room here with such people in it, I thinks.
"He was mighty good!"
Sade's is the woman who was paid out by the man who made a comment to the man who joked about the friend of the man who owned the dog of the man who fathered man who was the father of the man who made a joke about the man who penned "The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance".