The Shoutbox
I actually ditched my last semi-official friend around July (?), the day someone here recommended me to watch ‘Waking Ned’, and a day after I wrote a very prescient review of ‘Sea Fever’, focusing on anti-social people.
Originally Posted by John McClane
I was reflecting this morning and it occurred to me that, at this moment, I don't actually have any friends aside from the people I know online.
With a tiny caveat re definition of ‘friends’, I’m the same. Real-life people can be exhausting.
I just can't finalize my damned list. I just can't do it! Arg!
And I'm cool with it.
I was reflecting this morning and it occurred to me that, at this moment, I don't actually have any friends aside from the people I know online.
"Klaatu verada nik toe" tothe space aliens that buzzed our planet at 3:50 AM EST 12/1
Terra-dillu to you!
Originally Posted by Yoda
I think that's why he got a lot of them.
He said it himself that he always did whatever came next. Which worked out great for us. Who's spanned more genres than that guy in 50 years?
Originally Posted by Cobra
Originally Posted by Powdered Water
Christopher Walken is 77 years old. How many more movies is he gonna do?
He’s got a few left in him.