The Shoutbox
State of shock over here for sure
Holy boss died last night...
Slush Puppies (if anyone still sells them) are a great sour experience.

Fill the cup up halfway with syrup before you add the puppy slush
SPK were the first sour candy that didn't completely destroy your mouth.

Looking at you Tear Jerkers and Warheads.
Originally Posted by Velvet
I just bought 5.7 pounds of sour patch kids
Put them all in your mouth at the same time and see if your head turns inside out.
I just bought 5.7 pounds of sour patch kids
Jurassic World cancelled as well.

Change to the schedule for tomorrow's Jurassic movies.
No Fallen Kingdom... only JP tomorrow at 8pm British time.

Hope you guys can make JP tomorrow
Originally Posted by cat_sidhe
Watching Inception wasted
That's probably the only way to watch Inception.
Watching Inception wasted