The Shoutbox
Originally Posted by Yoda
Originally Posted by mattiasflgrtll6
Yeah, always take your lightsaber with you. Count Dooku might show up.
Never make it through security.
Put it in your checked baggage. Duh.
Its always crazy when you see a big dude. Cuz you gotta stop and go “woah, that is a big dude.”
I hope you gained something at least...

Off topic. I got maybe 30 minutes left in the day but WOW has this one been a painful day. I'm of the mind to post here for the rest of the day =\ or at least casually scroll through other people's posts.
I find it difficult to believe you couldn't get through security with a light saber. I mean, if blast doors can't put up much resistance...

Originally Posted by mattiasflgrtll6
Yeah, always take your lightsaber with you. Count Dooku might show up.
Never make it through security.
Originally Posted by Yoda
Got half way to the airport before I realized I forgot something important. Had to go back. Fun
Wow... seriously? That's a bit of a trip. Assuming you didn't miss a flight or anything. The only sorts of things I'd go back for would be medications or my laptop. Just about anything else I could probably buy somewhere along the way.
Yeah, always take your lightsaber with you. Count Dooku might show up.
Got half way to the airport before I realized I forgot something important. Had to go back. Fun
I see what you did there