The Shoutbox
Kewl, Thanks for trying.
I'll just try again tomorrow, might be the link to TMDb is down right now or Yods is modding summat in the background.
Not working for me, either.
Is Movie Search not bringing back any results for anyone else?
Last night's show was 10 times better than the Boston show. Super small venue. So intimate. Gritty, sweaty, and 110% epic.

So glad I went to two shows this tour, but I am freaking beat up and broke AF now.
Really thought you were gonna say you just drop some fish food into her water bowl
Why I say, "Puppy, small round bite-sized cornmeal fried balls (sometimes with onions or other assorted fillers)!" she doesn't know how to respond to that either =\
What do you say to Puppy when you want her to be quiet?
Rename her Guppy .... she appears to act more like a fish
Puppy has no clue how to play with toys. Whenever I bring something home she just sits and looks at it. I try to put whatever to her mouth thinking she might grab onto it, but no. Mostly she just licks around it and abandons it. She doesn't even know how to chase a ball =\
This message brought to you by Duncan Hines. Duncan Hines....mmmmmmm, Breakfast!