The Shoutbox
I did some digging and found that my eBay account has done $10K in sales. Um, cha-ching.
Well, I have an Xbox box I would love to sell you. It is a mint condition rare collectible. Bidding starts at $100.
Originally Posted by John McClane
Probably just eBay, yeah. It seems to still be the most viewed secondhand market.
I'm on hiatus from ebay . Please share your experiences
All this talk of Carnivale makes me smile. The random Clea Duvall reference I heard yesterday makes sense now
Was going to keep the old one, it's interesting to see the differences.
Originally Posted by Cynema De Bergerac
Originally Posted by John-Connor
The Wire, best show in tv history..

That's a funny way to say Twin Peaks.
Crap, I can't remember the damn codes for the Smiley's around here.
I've been watching a lot of movies I've never seen before. I'm up to 77% on the top 100 horror movie list that I created years and years ago. You know, that old old old list. :P
Surviving. Having a wonderful time with my family. I've had a strong feeling since the new year that this year will be a lot better. So far so good. We shall see what else it has in store.
I'm good, Desmond
How's you been while you've been in hiding?
Hello!!! How are you?

You too, Rodent?