The Shoutbox
What kind of shoes does Groot wear? Timberlands, I imagine.
Originally Posted by Chypmunk
No idea why, but I initially read that as
well, i believe god is groot, so i’m praying for higher odds
and was like WTF???
We ask his blessing for our foot.
I got no tricks (or skills), I just gif one a go and if it doesn't work I gif another one a go.
It's a pain in the ass to make an animated avatar. That's why I don't plan on changing it any time soon.
what’s it take to get animation in an avatar? i got the .gif made already but it’s just the first frame when i upload it
We al know those broom handles shoulda won.
Now I am really triggered!

All hail Mickey...
I thought it was "I am Disney"
That could well be Groot's new phrase.
I am Triggered
We are Triggered
Them am Triggered
Thou art triggerethed
I'm triggered
I think the proper pronoun these days is "Them are Groot"