The Shoutbox
I wore a shirt today that I haven't worn in a year or two, and the back is stretched hard over my back now...Shirt used to hang off me. I guess I have put on a bit of weight!
Well, my waistline has finally forced my hand: I had to buy new pants.
For some other reason:
For some reason:
For some reason I picture this:
Well, back in my hippie days I use to wash my hair with eggs. Plenty of eggs. From free range chickens of course.
Back when I was a hippie I used to wash my hair in beer. I guess I was just ahead of the curve as it was well over a decade later before hip-hop started tobecame 'fashionable'.
Back in my hippie days (college) I used to use cornstarch to wash my hair. It works pretty good if you don’t mind looking like you crawled out of a dust bowl.
I've actually started using cornstarch as a shampoo now in the hope it helps
Same, cornstarch.
When a recipe calls for flour as a thickening agent, use cornstarch.

What about gravy? There is no recipe for gravy.