The Shoutbox
Always hoped Joss Whedon would name one of his children 'Wight' just for the craic. Sadly he's obviously just not a Billy Idol fan
I tried to chypmunk it, but Lady A had me dead to rights.
Originally Posted by doubledenim
Josh Whedon is the best.
Yesh! He's shwell!
Originally Posted by Iroquois
He's not as good as Joss Whedon.
He's not as good as Joss Whedon.
Is he the best? ...around?
There will be another sequel. Yes. There is ...another.
Oh, no you don’t, you apricat! You’re not going to derail the shouts praising Buffy and Angel.
*grabs water bottle*
Fred: You’re so Cute!
Angel: You’re fired.