The Shoutbox
My landlord still uses a flip phone.

If you have problems on mobile,
it will probably help if you upgrade to a Huawei device.
Originally Posted by FromBeyond
**** you cannot use this forum on a mobile

I went straight from a desktop to a phone to. I still don't really know how to use my phone all the way even.
I've been using mobile for a few years now. Been working fine. Just took some getting used to.
There's still some features missing from mobile, which is on me, but yeah, the basic stuff should be way easier. Like, objectively, since there's way less stuff to accidentally click on and everything about the core functionality is bigger and all that.
Originally Posted by Yoda
Can't tell if that's not liking the mobile style or if that's not liking what happens when you force it to use the desktop style.

Should be eminently usable with the mobile style, though. Basic functionality is generally a lot easier.
Perfectly usable for sure. I did use desktop once or twice for screenshot games, but it didn’t make much of a difference to me.
Originally Posted by FromBeyond
**** you cannot use this forum on a mobile
I’ve been doing that for the entire time I’ve been here...
Can't tell if that's not liking the mobile style or if that's not liking what happens when you force it to use the desktop style.

Should be eminently usable with the mobile style, though. Basic functionality is generally a lot easier.
**** you cannot use this forum on a mobile
You know what, I got up at 5 am today to transcribe a virtual conference on AI, which wasn’t loading, started an hour late, and crashed ten times. I could not care less if I bought it or not, I’m watching it and that makes me happy.
(I clicked on ‘watch’ and, come to think about it, I don’t know if it actually charged me.)