The Shoutbox
After the success(?) or greenlit second season of Tokyo Vice, I was hoping Mann would get it made as an HBO series. There is no way its close to the book as a movie.

Read it!!!
Heat 2 casting rumors have Austin Butler in Val Kilmers role, along with Kylo Ren and Al Pacino.

Driver could pull a young Hanna if not for one, not so little detail.
Risky Biscness:
An empire built one managers special at a time.
Risk it if you want that biscuit
I don't know man, it's kinda fringe
Originally Posted by John McClane
started Fringe

first viewing
Good show.
started Fringe

first viewing
PG version of TikTok utilizes dial-up.
TikTok saying they have protections when kids are smart enough to get around it.
Originally Posted by doubledenim
Originally Posted by John McClane
what kind of heated seats? bean or cabbage based?
In that case, Maxwell House.
Originally Posted by Corax
“I bought some powdered water, but I dont know what to add.” ― Steven Wright

Funny guy, but I guess he's never heard of snow...
Or how to work a lighter.