The Shoutbox
Originally Posted by doubledenim
Do you look forward to anything more than that first cup of coffee?
That first morning rock?
Hi everyone! Been away a little while. Feel out of the loop. Will catch up with everything as soon as I can and wish everyone whose birthdays I missed.
I was lucky enough to have a Starbucks experience the other day. Don't worry, I was trying to impress a woman, that's the only reason.

After about the 4th back-and-forth about a classic and not wanting a classic and already having been in a drive thru line longer than I have ever spent in a doctor's waiting room...

I was like great, now I can look forward to having to find a bathroom in 30 minutes.
Do you look forward to anything more than that first cup of coffee?
Any news from them will be good. Even bankruptcy would be good news.
I'm hoping I can see some movement on $JCP.

I haven’t touched it since I first mentioned it. Lots of easy money to be made on it, though. For sure.
McClane - Not sure if you are still in on UAVS, but it is up 40% today...
Good morning, all!
Jerry Stiller, Betty Wright, and Little Richard.

2020 is holding no punches