The Shoutbox
Holy hell I think my brain just exploded.
Originally Posted by Fabulous
The Raiders are moving to Las Vegas.
Las Vaders?
The Raiders are moving to Las Vegas.
I posted this one the other day... think it's season 8 though.

Sounds like you've got the bug.
are there any other good season 1 mst3k episodes? besides space mutiny?
All gone. Then I became you and quietly went running up and down the hall screaming.
Originally Posted by Dani8
Lil Dev, I just made a triple espresso and named it after you.
I WANT IT!!!!!!
Lil Dev, I just made a triple espresso and named it after you.
Oooh, ooh, oooh. Pull out the bleach. Hollywood Hogan all the way.
Get n00d - take it all off, then grow a porn stache for movember.