The Shoutbox
I am tired of the "smart guy/dumb guy" TV and Radio ads. "Here is the fat, ageing, bald slob who is doing it wrong with Brand X. Here is the fit, young, plucky person who is doing it right." They talk and the dummy learns he is a dummy. Now buy our crap, dummy.
K, you win
John's Boy-Birthmark's Baby Boy.
Originally Posted by ynwtf
John-boy's Birthmark.
I shall counter with John's Boy-Birthmark.

Your move, Sir.
Originally Posted by Chypmunk
Excellent name for an alt-rock band that - The Waltons!
John-boy's Birthmark.
My new favorite subreddit: AbruptChaos
Excellent name for an alt-rock band that - The Waltons!
I wish! Then we could get the Waltons to change the name to the Mile High Trash Pandas.
So a lot of Bradley Coopers running around on the field?
Originally Posted by Corax
Denver Broncos are absolute ass.
They’re Limitless!!! Let’s ride!!!
Denver Broncos are absolute ass.