The Shoutbox
Be another couple minutes... banners uploading to Botophucket.
Originally Posted by The Rodent
Back in a bit... going to make a load of Banners.
Make sure to show them when you finish!
Back in a bit... going to make a load of Banners.
I have an ice cream van in my street every day.

The Dude lives here
29th of November in England. 15 minutes ago we had an ice cream van in our road. Global warming at its finest.
It's snowing
Originally Posted by John McClane
I'm fairly certain I was wasted when I made that typo. Keep that in mind.
If you thought that Boardwalk was the best HBO series you must've been wasted for the last two seasons, at least.
Originally Posted by Tacitus
It's sometimes interesting to see that xxx_420smokehole_xxx is a Fellini fan.
Maybe that is the only way to enjoy Fellini.
It's sometimes interesting to see that xxx_420smokehole_xxx is a Fellini fan.
Originally Posted by Godoggo
I was just curious if anyone else ever clicks on random people in the birthday\anniversary box and reads their old posts? I do that a lot for some reason.
I have done it once or twice.
Can't say I have.