The Shoutbox
Originally Posted by JoaoRodrigues
Talking about shoes, I'm lucky on that aspect, Portugal make the best shoes there is, sometimes you think you are wearing Italian made shoes and they actually are made in Portugal with Italian design. I can spend 40 euros on shoes that you would pay four times more somewhere else, they also last very long, they don't fall apart with holes and all that, the leather gets deformed eventually but that's normal. Also here you pay very little for a shoemaker intervention.
That's convenient. I did buy shoes while in Italy and they lasted me several years, so I can attest to their quality.

It's cool you worked as a shoe manufacturer as well, that's an interesting skill.
Originally Posted by Chypmunk
Originally Posted by ynwtf
No R Kelly reference?
Prolly didn't think it would fly on here.
Only Rodent would know for Cher though

Bono you dih'n!
wet like wonton
Originally Posted by ynwtf
No R Kelly reference?
Prolly didn't think it would fly on here.
Only Rodent would know for Cher though
No R Kelly reference?
Originally Posted by ynwtf
I do I do!

Originally Posted by ynwtf
I do I do!
I would add that simply not feeling content is a throw-away dismissal of the emotional despair one feels to even consider suicide. Yes, perspective can help. The other, more likely thought process of reflecting on one's troubles as compared to others' and how they manage to survive those troubles could be that the person then feels guilty and weak. I mean, hell, if everyone else on Earth can manage to sort their troubles and endure, then that's even more reason to belief that "I am defective." In comparison to others, then one must be weaker to feel overwhelmed to the point of considering suicide. That may then reinforce the negative perspective of life and their use in it. Kinda the opposite of the intended effect.

That kinda of perspective can be as simple as saying, "I know you hate the taste of apples, but I think they're good so just eat them. You will enjoy it because I do."
Yeah your're probably right.
You can't call me superficial if your big solution for a suicidal person is to either force them into an even worse situation under the guise of "giving perspective" or encourage them to embrace some half-baked live-in-the-now maxim.
Very rhetorical, good-good. What leads to mental illness? You are being superficial, you are saying that people commit suicide because they are ill so they cannot fell content, isn't there fault they have those tendencies, but the difference between happiness & sadness is a state of mind, and that state of mind is almost 100% influenced by our conscience, even happiness is a expectation, because what we call happiness is depending on an outcome. Our conscience is based on conceptions, ideas, numbers, names, symbols and all those were given to us by society, they aren't reality, the only reality is the present experience. We live trapped by expectation of a future and memory of a past, is this since the foundation of civilization, that's how agriculture was born, a expectation of a future, don't confuse this with an instinct of survival, a cat is not afraid to die, but he have an instinct of survival, is a different thing, and our expectation of a future is not an instinct of survival is a hypnotization by a illusion of time. If you want more read Zen Buddhism, I'm tired.