The Shoutbox
It has its good days and bad. The new forum should work better, IF i ever get it working right
spud, i went to your forum but nothing worked.....i know it's in the early stages, but i couldn't even register. i'll give another try.
Yep, Toose is right. BilboCommishy is the name now, it seems. Yay. See ya later Toose, hope the call goes well. Spud: excellent. Lemme know if I can help, as usual.

Forum installation is almost complete...
Gotta blaze... conference call catch up wit ya later
Enter Patti! Hello Patti. We're having a grand time discussing TWT's hairy feet.
Hi Patti.
hi Toose, hi sades, hi chris!!
In the words of your beloved David Spade: buh-bye.
Eat the skipper??? Uh...yes? Anyhoo...gotta jet, boys. Think of me! I'll miss you...
"Did you eat the skipper?"