The Shoutbox
Walmart has a ton of Christmas trees on sale. If anyone’s on the market for a ridiculously cheap tree. Probably just unloaded a boat full of trees at the dock or something from last season.
Uh-oh, looks like it might be a case of Monkeybox
Originally Posted by doubledenim
If that’s the case, I’m gonna need multiple lunches. I’ll need to replace each one that goes overboard.
Which is why all of our packed lunches contain spaghetti thus providing a means by which to tether them, so even if they do go overboard they should be easily retrievable.
I still have the glasses. They're still here...
It’s actually Freedent. Dental work.
Did you run out of bubblegum again?
They Live is angelically overrated.
He Never Died is criminally underrated.
100 up, and 100 down