The Shoutbox
You will. Because I have no real idea.
The Sweet Hereafter anything David Cronenberg has done has been made in Canada ..........I'll have to think of some more.
Give me some choices.

HA HA HA that's crazy.

well what do you consider to be a good Canadain film just wondering
Oh I'm proud of it.
I think it's bad though.
well I just bought the DVD and I thought it was excellant I would be proud to have it as a Canadian film
Oh, c'mon. It's BAD.
why do you aussies not like Mad Max it's got me all confused
Mad Max is not my bag.
I've done more than one.
I did one on Friday night.

I basically do one a weekend. And towards the end of the year, one during the school week too.

The answer:
Internet / Deadlines / Coke / Wagner
that's a shame you guys should do it more often I must have done 30 + all-nighters