The Shoutbox
You aren't real.
the sky isn't real. Open your eyes, you drones!
Lazy internet research sez that we are here because our ancestors use to throw bones to wolves.
its not clever just because they try to do it.
Sausage Party only got a bad rap because the red band trailer got shown in cinemas at the start of Finding Dory

It's pretty clever tbh, especially in the parallels it draws between race, religion and sexuality.
Pretty much the entire movie is an analogy of modern society.
This would go on an awesome playlist with Freaxxx.

Originally Posted by Velvet
Originally Posted by Steve Freeling
Hehe. Whenever I see screenshots of Sausage Party, I think, "Yep, that looks like a terrible frickin' movie and I have no desire to see it."
its a odd film to say the least
There has got to be an internet search quandary that happens when looking up that movie.
Originally Posted by Iroquois

You're the best. I've been searching far and wide for dance music with metal scream!
^How I felt after watching Smokey and the Bandit Part 3. Let's just say I learned my lesson.
Yeah, the fact that I made the choice to watch it despite having a very good idea of how it would turn out was...not smart.