The Shoutbox
#Marlon Bundo
Not off the top of my head, no.
LOL@ Camo & Yoda.
Do either of you remember any threads that have fan fiction alternate/extended endings like that? I found one, but it's not quite what I was thinking. I'm not asking for you to search! Just curious if either of you remember anything popping up over the years.
Still my number 1. Probably will stay there.
Red: "I guess I just miss my friend.
Andy: "I never miss."
*gun fires*
Originally Posted by Powdered Water
I know how that movie ends.
With Andy killing Red the only man who knows his whereabouts.
Dani8, I'm kipping my finger crossed for You. Come back to us!
I know how that movie ends.
Shawshank review up.
Mark Anthony Conditt was his name apparently.
Originally Posted by Dani8
Yes, I just saw he blew himself up. I hope no innocents were killed by the blast.
A SWAT Agent was blown back by the blast . That was all.