The Shoutbox
Originally Posted by Yoda
Is it hereditary?
Not that we've seen. He developed his several allergies as a middle-aged adult, though. (Bee stings, shellfish right now.) I don't have an allergy to shellfish, for sure, but I haven't been stung by a bee in literally decades, so I don't know if I'm allergic now or not.
It’s No Soup for you!
You’re saying it wrong
These pretzels are making me thirsty.
or, if you prefer option B) nope. but it is safe.
nope. midsommar.
Is it hereditary?
Originally Posted by Yoda
Originally Posted by Powdered Water
There's no more bees. Where's all the honey come from I wonder?
Nah bees are cool. The colony collapse stuff stabilized awhile back, partially through people managing more hives.

Bees are super interesting, there's this podcast episode (of EconTalk) about them I've listened to like three times. Thinking about trying to get into it with my brother next year.
Just remember that your grandfather is deathly allergic to bee stings.
Originally Posted by John McClane
I have a firm do not bother me and you will live policy with bees.
I have the same policy with spiders
Originally Posted by Chypmunk
I'd advise strongly against trying to get into beehives unless you've had the requisite training and are wearing the right protective gear. Also note the doors tend to be extremely small.
Damn it, I was totally buying this was a serious response until the end.