The Shoutbox
Y’all are as humorous as my 24% APR.
They have expiration dates, so going stale IS a thing.
Oh har har har
Originally Posted by John McClane
I have 3 cards: one with a $5k balance and the other two are empty.
If they're empty, they're useless. Throw them out and get some fresh ones
IHG Rewards Club Traveler, Eddie Bauer, and Apple.
I have 3 cards: one with a $5k balance and the other two are empty.
I would strongly recommend not getting another one!
Not even close. have all your other ones paid off, right?
Well I’ll be damned. I got approved for an Apple credit card.
Originally Posted by Tacitus
Morning M!

Hope stateside folks are out of the hurricane zone. I'll send you some of my perma-drizzle as compensation.
We're inland and north. Yay! Here in Pittsburgh, we don't really get too much of ANY type of weather. We don't see hurricanes or tornados, and we normal amounts of snow in the winter and heat in the summer. If you like variety in your weather, this is the place to be.

Having said that, our little county here gets more annual rainfall than the Pacific Northwest, even though they're known for their rain out west.