The Shoutbox
Originally Posted by John McClane
I'm in a blue zone. Despite recent problems the Sea/Tac area is having, it will always be one of the best places to live.
R.I.P. Gale Sayers.
And just like that the warm weather is rolling back in.
Originally Posted by ynwtf
I will forever read it as that. Fits my assumption too!
Happy days
Originally Posted by Chypmunk
Arthur 'Fonzarelli' Iguillera?
I will forever read it as that. Fits my assumption too!
Originally Posted by Holden Pike
The American Film Institute?

In what context are you seeing AFI?
lol. Ugh. THANKYOU. I noticed it the lists when I first started here and assumed it was a user name from way back when, making lists for whatever reason.
Arthur 'Fonzarelli' Iguillera?
The American Film Institute?

In what context are you seeing AFI?
This may be a dumb question but uh... who is AFI?
I've blinded a fly with my rocket-cycle