The Shoutbox
Castaway sex is part of the evolution set forth by begins with Makeup Sex, moves up to Fugitive Sex, and culminates in Castaway Sex. I thought this was common knowledge...

Bullet: P? Is it the word pious? There's another word on the tip of my tongue, but I can't place it just now. Theology is usually the word used in that sort of context, though.
*Taps Nose*


Ask Chrissy-Pooh.He won't tell you...but at least he'll blush.
na-na-na-na-na...Castaway Sex!
We've got troubl, right here in River City - with a capital "T", which rhymes with "P", and that stands for POOL!!!
What's the word that starts with a "P" and you can use when you're talking about religion or something?

I always get it confused with pyschology.
Don't patronise me Spudly.

No, what I said still fits in with the rythm of the rhyme.

I do not like it, Spud, my Bud,
The way you think my rhyming's crud...
Well i'm off, need to work on getting more pages done for my site and all that stuff so later. My site is, just in case you're wondering.