The Shoutbox
Sweet! Progressive takes Apple Pay.
I saw Fury in theaters. I liked it, but Shia LeBeouf is crazy.
Fury (2014) was totally a miss for me. There wasn't even ONE scene where Brad Pitt wears a mascot costume let alone get freaky with one. And with an R rating no less!! False advertising in my book.
Wouldn’t want to come across as an appropriating ******* right now.
I gotta be real careful what I rap at work since there’s a large African-American student body, and everyone is walking on eggshells.
I wish I could help
But I’m no better than Yelp
McMuffin is out puffing
No need to be huffing
He’ll be back when he’s done
No need to run
He ain’t grabbing his gun
Chillin, killin... Lke a villian.

I rap to stay sober
I wanna get older
I wanna see another October
That’s what I always told her