The Shoutbox
It's just you and me facing the wide unknown. We should start a new thread or something. I want to argue about something that isn't about God or Evolution. I want to argue about FILM!
Enough about tables. The forum is unusually dead tonight...wouldn't you say?
Yes it surely is a set of......

....turn tables, Mr. Racer.

My how those tables keep turning...

I was hoping the first one wouldn't show up.
Now I look like a fool. Who spells laugh without an "a"?

How the tables have turned Mr. Racer...

How the tables have turned Mr. Racer...
NO...i meant on my computer...I DIDN'T MEAN YOU!!
Fine then. I'll go.
Ahhh...feels better to get rid of junk..
Yes, but I have school.
Remember grasshopper, if I was home everyday, Chris would be no more. He would be dirty and filthy and low.