The Shoutbox
Originally Posted by ynwtf
Someone get my joke down there already!
I got it. Au = gold. Atomic number is 79. (Also the year I graduated high school.)
Originally Posted by Torgo
This one is gold.
Gosh, never heard THAT one, either.
Originally Posted by Wyldesyde19
Don’t get it. Just random numbers as far as I can tell
*Pats ur lil goat avatar noggin*
It's au right!

Brilliant! These days, it's all in the mind. It's elememtal.

"Au No He Dy Ne."
"Aww, no, he dyin'" Is that it?
Don’t get it. Just random numbers as far as I can tell
Someone get my joke down there already!
You have to do that, periodically.
*politely puts table back upright and backs out of the room*
You are flipping a lot of tables