The Shoutbox
I felt like I had wasted my time and that I had sort of been had after watching The Wheel of Time. While there were some cool scenes featuring magic battles etc., overall, I wish I hadn't watched it, so I think I will skip LotR this time around.
I'm not sure how much actual Tolkien story we're going to get. Other than a few names it sure looks like they are retcon-ing the sh*t out of this pig. But yeah. I'll still watch it at least once.
Maybe, maybe. Still gonna give it a try.

I suspect even if it's disappointing on the whole there'll be several really cool sequences, a lot of "I'm so glad *somebody* filmed that story" stuff. Lot of stuff in Tolkien's work that was just sitting there and seeing some of it in any form could be a real treat.
The new LotR looks pretty dire... Seems like, as with The Wheel of Time, the writers will ride the coattails of a popular IP, while tacking on their own decidedly inferior story to it.

A sign of the times these days, I am afraid...
Originally Posted by xSookieStackhouse
rae u gonna watch new tv series of LOTR?
I won't, I hardly watch any television these days tbh.
Originally Posted by Chypmunk
Must admit I only really know of him from The Hobbit and LOTR.
rae u gonna watch new tv series of LOTR?
Must admit I only really know of him from The Hobbit and LOTR.
Bill Burr was originally a play-by-play announcer for the racial draft of 2004.
Originally Posted by Powdered Water
I can't wait till I can get the internet right in my brain
NO THANKS! my phone is a bad enough addiction.
I can't wait till I can get the internet right in my brain
I still don’t have internet. I have an affordable option available now but I kinda want to keep unplugged.