The Shoutbox
Well. At least the sorta home team won.
*the Howling Wolf strikes again!*
Not for him, I imagine. 👀
I once had a buddy. Good times.
I got a buddy from high school with enough for the both of us.
How many face tats you got so far?
Three days. 2-Liter Bop
One of my only regrets is never having David Hasselhoff perform at one of my birthday parties.
The doctors/industrial healthcare system is one of the things that steered me to focus on my diet and fitness.

Plus our insurance has a ridiculous co-pay, so you’re paying for everything until you have a near-death experience. Thought I was gonna be cute and break away from the employer insurance, until I looked up BCBS policies and just gave up.

“Oh, Mr. denim. Just let us keep that $40 from the billing error. You know it’s gonna cost at least 4 hours of your time to fix it. You can’t put a value on your free time.”