The Shoutbox
How did this go from seen movies to McClanes ass?
Originally Posted by Yoda
It's the not thinking about it for weeks on end that gets ya'.
that explains why my ass got so big last winter
Originally Posted by mattiasflgrtll6
Hmm, mentions don't work.

Since the summer is basically over, I've started theatre again. We're currently practicing for a tour in October

That sounds like something to look forward to. Will this be a tour in your state ? Are you an actor or do you work behind the scenes? Let us know whatever you'd like to tell us, and how it goes , whenever you want to.
Originally Posted by Cervicodynia
How many movies yall have marked as "seen" on here? I just got done marking off all 900 movies I've ever seen.
On letterboxd, over 2,000 seen but that far less ...just dont have that much time to sit on letterboxd and go year by year.
It was more carbs for me early on (and yeah, net carbs is a good distinction, since a lot of Atkins bars have a lot of fiber). I find calories comforting simply because it's basic math/energy. But I imagine it's one of those things where, if you're just paying attention at all, you're probably fine. It's the not thinking about it for weeks on end that gets ya'.
I count net carbs and fats.
I count cakes.
Well, if I'm honest I subtract cakes more than count them really.
Not me. I count carbs.

Lots and lots of carbs.
Calories? Who counts calories?
Most of my physical activity consists of chasing posts on the MOFO site.

Yeah, sounds like calories.

When I'm not lifting weights and not playing a lot of softball or whatever, I can get by on 1,200 calories fairly often. Pretty hard if I'm engaging in much physical activity, though.