The Shoutbox
Technically it's illegal to shoot fireworks off within 150ft of a building, but I think the people in my neighborhood routinely forget that zero at the end.

And the five.
Now I remember why I hate the train. All these different zones with slow speed limits. America does not know how to properly do infrastructure projects.
WiFi is terrible, tho. I feel like I’m back in 2006.
Train is going well. Reading Battlefield Earth. Talking to a major hottie from the Air Force. Yup, today is a good day.
Originally Posted by doubledenim
But for two hours I lived a rich full life.
Happy Treason Day ungrateful colonists!!!!
Originally Posted by John McClane
I really need to go to sleep. I’m on the train tomorrow. Traveling is exciting so I kinda already expect very little sleep. That’s why hotels have such kickass beds.
Going on a train? Be careful not to rob it with the Russian mafia.
The first page of the Shoutbox is mine.
Me me me me me.