The Shoutbox
"Hey you guys!!!!!!"
"What a senseless waste of human life."
"No studying."
Twinkies are awesome! But you must freeze them first...that's the only way to go. Stick them in the freezer for like 30 minutes, then eat. Yum. Hey, interesting fact: Twinkies are actually less than 30% Twinkie...the rest is air.
Are we still going Holden?
What exactly does the word hiatus mean to you Sadie? HAHAHA
Mr. Hill...Twinkies are hideous, little sponges, with cream-crap in the center of them. Save yourself the distaste, eat a Snowball.
"That's a big Twinkie".
i dont eat cake either. unless i have the munchies mmm munchies mmmm i want cake. mmm PEANUTS
pie rocks. cake sucks.
TWT, I've never eaten any pie in my life.
Oh and what's a twinkie