The Shoutbox
The modern version of romantic comedies is the worst. Love watching ones from the 50's and 60's. The 70's-90's have quite a few good ones too.
I use whiteout. But trying to make sense of what all is on the screen is like skipping through a pigeon park.
How do I edit other people's shouts
Tango and Cash was, arguably, the worst rom com ever projected.
If it ain't a 80s rom com you are doing it wrong.
FOUR references?! BOOM, goes the dynamite!
Or cake =\
but there are lemons.
Instead, only try to realize the truth...there is no Witherspoon.
Originally Posted by ynwtf
Not a Witherspoon fan btw.
Agreed - dreadful pubs!
even the cheesy Witherspoon flicks. I think I just watched How Do You Know last week. Not a Witherspoon fan btw.