The Shoutbox
Possible categories…

- Longest time between showers
- Most money spent on Door Dash
- Bread making
Probably a silly question to ask when it's almost August, but I take it we're not doing the "best of year" awards thing for 2020 then?
We are standing…in the hallway…standing in the hallway…please unlock the door…please unlock the door
The Hive is Alive!
Originally Posted by John McClane
Back at work. Already breaking out in hives.
Hives in the hive!
Olympic Tae Kwon Do must be tough, Not only do you realize, all at once, that you aren't getting the gold medal, you realize just as you are getting kicked in the face.
CEO, entrepreneur
Born in 1964
Jeffrey Bezos
CEO, entrepreneur
Born in 1964
Jeffrey Bezos
Come on, Jeffrey, you can do it
Pave the way, put your back into it
Tell us why, show us how
Look at where you came from, look at you now
Zuckerberg and Gates and Buffet
Amateurs, can ****ing suck it
**** their wives, drink their blood
Come on, Jeff, get 'em!
Originally Posted by John McClane
FAA changing the definition of astronaut is the justice we need in the world. But knowing Bezos he will probably just buy it and change it back so he can brag about being an astronaut.
Bezos will probably also change the definition of rocket fuel to include humans.