The Shoutbox
WEEEEEKEEEEEND!! Doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo! How are we all? Sexually repressed? Brilliant!
Yeah baby...Yeah!
Well, I don't really join 'em. I'm not the type for sexual innuendo. If it's particularly funny/amusing, then I can't resist, but otherwise, it ain't my bag. But the rest of you can feel free to Austin Powerize The Shoutbox a little bit.
There ya go, T. Roll with the punches, can't beat em' join em'...when in get my point.
Well, that's part of the reason it was created, so I can't complain.
Sorry, T. You'll have to get used to the Shoutbox being a forum for repressed sexual energies...
as for warm pouches...
Mr. Toose...I will deliver no such thing...those sorts of details are better left to the imagination.
Damn, I'm a geek. Well, it's better than a nerd, or dork, eh? $75 -- nice. Congratulations. I usually make less than half that...though It's beyond worth it usually, as I LOVE doing this kinda stuff. The love of the work doubles the actual pay, in a way.
To the merry tune of $75 per hour...
Sadie, I shall expect that list of 100 poste haste... TWT you are correct Crystal Reports... you ARE a geek my bruddah