The Shoutbox
You're using Deviantart to advertise your business? I've not used that place for years - thought it was a dodgy Hentai fan site now.
Holy crap... Deviantart have exploded in the last couple days.

Cleared my notifications last night and this morning it was at 25k new entries.

Don't think I've ever seen it this busy.
Chick-Fil-A isn't in the UK.

It's a US brand only. Their only plans for expansion are to spread across the Northern States as they're mainly in the South.

If they did move over here, it wouldn't be the same.
Look at all the other franchises like McD's, Burger King, Pizza Hut, Dominoes etc etc in the UK. Totally different than the US outlets.

We will always have Greggs though
Originally Posted by jiraffejustin
Chick-Fil-A is big all over the US I think. Someone correct me if I am wrong.
I don't know. I just think their food is amazing.
Chick-Fil-A is big all over the US I think. Someone correct me if I am wrong.
Originally Posted by Camo
Originally Posted by honeykid
For the Brits, do we have Chick-Fil-A over here? I don't think I've ever seen it anywhere.
As far as i'm aware no. From what i've read it sounds like it's mostly focused on the Southern US, with very little if any international presence.
That's what I thought. But it wouldn't be the first time I had no idea a chain was over here or here outside of a couple of cities.
Originally Posted by honeykid
For the Brits, do we have Chick-Fil-A over here? I don't think I've ever seen it anywhere.
As far as i'm aware no. From what i've read it sounds like it's mostly focused on the Southern US, with very little if any international presence.
Originally Posted by honeykid
Now that's a catch!
Best catch I've ever seen.
Now that's a catch!
For the Brits, do we have Chick-Fil-A over here? I don't think I've ever seen it anywhere.
Originally Posted by Sexy Celebrity
I have a Checkers near me. I've also been to it as Rally's. I like them a lot. I almost always end up getting something different each time I'm there. Last couple of times, though, I had their Double Checkerburger, which I liked a lot.
I have had their wings before. Which is weird to me that you can get a bunch of chicken wings at a drive through of a burger joint.

But yeah it is delicious!