The Shoutbox
Hit up that gym!
My knees are telling me I'm getting old, but I keep telling them to shut up. I'm a spry chicken!
Originally Posted by doubledenim
I answer to Mother. She would not like it if I watched another show. Mother has her eyes now. Don’t make her angry.
They have a copy, it’s just on BetaMax.
Originally Posted by Chypmunk
Auntie in da house!!!

*Waits patiently, wondering how long it'll be before I get chastised for not owning Doctor Zhivago

And how on Earth do you get along without ‘Doctor Zhivago’? 🤔
Auntie in da house!!!

*Waits patiently, wondering how long it'll be before I get chastised for not owning Doctor Zhivago
Originally Posted by Powdered Water
You may be reading it wrong.
yeah, I gathered

I haven’t actually watched ‘The Expanse’ yet so the association doesn’t immediately come to me
I answer to Mother. She would not like it if I watched another show. Mother has her eyes now. Don’t make her angry.
It's free on Amazon right now. Watch it.
I thought all Expanse talk had been verboten in the Shouter.
You may be reading it wrong.