The Shoutbox
You people are all so lucky....I was nineteen before I was let even listen to Watch With Mother and twenty-three before the screen was uncovered
Dropped a computer on my leg this morning. At this rate I don’t know if I’ll be whole by the time I get these loans forgiven. IT is dangerous work, yo!
Good morning, all!
argh. typing = sucks. as usual for me.
I was 7 when I snuck a watch of Heavy Metal on HBO. I watched a girls father get dissolved and absorbed by a floating crystal ball. I also watch a young Arnold pop his eye out of an exacto blade in Terminator.

Dad said I couldn't watch either. But he was never home, so.

Later, I remember catching The House Where Evil Dwells around 5am one morning. Yeah, movies were parental unit substitutes
Any chance Blazing Saddles gets a remake?
Originally Posted by MovieGal
Originally Posted by doubledenim
I remember when my dad took my sister and I to see the The Crying Game.
I got a better one.. I remember my dad and mom taking my sis and I to see "Blazing Saddles" when it was first released...I was 7 and she was 5.
Same here. My parents took us to the drive-in to see "Blazing Saddles" when it first came out in 1974. I was 13. I fell in love with Gene Wilder.
Originally Posted by doubledenim
I remember when my dad took my sister and I to see the The Crying Game.
I got a better one.. I remember my dad and mom taking my sis and I to see "Blazing Saddles" when it was first released...I was 7 and she was 5.