The Shoutbox
Originally Posted by mattiasflgrtll6
This year ****ing sucks.
The November Rain is coming!
I’m gonna glitch hop it back to the 90s.
I’m ready 2021. Bring it!
Originally Posted by mattiasflgrtll6
This year ****ing sucks.
No doubt
Why did my day have to get ruined knowing Conchata Ferrell has died
This year ****ing sucks.
Ooooooooo - a squid Pennywise. Now there's an excellent idea.
I takes it all back Meester Wootf, that idea is utterly brilliant!!!
oh, squidit! i am always silly.
A squid tandem?

Now you're being silly - whoever heard of a squid called Daisy?
bipedal tentacles?
Originally Posted by Chypmunk
You can't go round deep-frying fluffies
We accept their bipolar tendencies, that keeps them out of the pan.